Safety first1

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first2

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first3

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first4

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first5

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first6

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Let's look at some of the features

  • Remember everything

    Don't ever forget anything again. The chip in your brain makes sure everything is kept. And kept safe forever and ever.

  • Up-to-date 24/7

    On our end we'll make sure you're updated with the newest software. It happens while you sleep and it doesn't take more than a few minutes.

  • Full power

    You're the battery, so don't ever worry about power. As long as your heart beats you're online and only when you're finally dead you're out of power.

  • Chat with everyone Not Included In Beta

    Want to call your mom? Your son? Your best friend? All you have to do is imagine them and you'll be redirected instantly.

  • Service provided

    If the chip or lens malfunctions we're here to help day and night. Call us or go online where pretty ladies sit at telephones. We're at your service.

  • Growing community

    We're growing fast so join in while you can and the Beta is free. It won't be long until we go gold and then you'd have to pay a lot!

  • Sustenance via chipComing Soon

    Soon we'll implement something incredible: You won't have to ever eat or drink again.. quite useful for busy businessmen and others.

  • Save money

    No need to buy smart phones, computers, speakers, radios or anything else. It's all there in your brain and in your eye ready for use.

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